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Know What to Ask Before You Buy a Waterfront Home

What better way to cool down this summer than by investing in a waterfront home? 


Whether seeking a property on one of the Great Lakes, or exploring options along the Finger Lakes Region, we’ve got you covered to help you find the right property for you that fits your real estate needs – from year-round primary residence, to vacation getaway homes!

Here are five essential tips and considerations to keep in mind when buying a waterfront property:


1. Understand the Local Regulations and Restrictions

Waterfront properties are often subject to stricter regulations regarding construction, renovations, and environmental protection. Make sure to research and understand the local zoning laws, building codes, and any restrictions related to the shoreline or water usage. This will help you avoid any legal issues and ensure that you can make desired changes to the property.


2. Assess the Risk of Flooding and Erosion

Properties near water bodies are more susceptible to flooding and erosion. Check the property's history of flooding, and consider getting a flood risk assessment. Look for signs of erosion on the shoreline and consider the long-term impact it may have on the property. Investing in proper flood insurance is crucial to protect your investment.


3. Evaluate the Water Quality and Accessibility

The quality of the water and its accessibility can significantly impact your enjoyment and the value of the property. Test the water for cleanliness and safety, especially if you plan to swim or use it for recreational activities. Also, check the accessibility of the water for activities like boating, fishing, or kayaking, and ensure that the water depth and conditions are suitable for your needs.


4. Consider the Maintenance and Upkeep

Waterfront homes often require more maintenance due to exposure to moisture, salt, and weather conditions. Be prepared for regular upkeep of the exterior, including the roof, windows, and any wooden structures. Also, factor in the cost of maintaining docks, seawalls, or other waterfront features. Hiring local contractors experienced in waterfront properties can be beneficial.


5. Investigate the Community and Surrounding Area

The surrounding community and neighborhood play a vital role in the overall experience of living in a waterfront home. Research the area's amenities, such as nearby restaurants, shops, and recreational facilities. Also, consider the privacy and noise levels, especially if the property is located near public beaches or busy waterways. Understanding the community's lifestyle and activities will help ensure it matches your preferences.


Bottom Line

Reach out to us when you’re beginning to consider whether purchasing a waterfront property is right for you!  We’re happy to help you find the right home for you!

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