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We know a lot goes into the decision-making process to sell a home, and with it the logistics of what could be a major move.  Your home isn’t just an investment vehicle, but a place where you’ve made memories.  Each home is unique, and that’s why we take a dedicated approach to helping homeowners work to achieve their home sale goals.

Home Valuations

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Comprehensive Valuation

Request a personalized, individual consultation from one of our expert team members for a more accurate and hyper-local estimate of your home’s value.

Instant Valuation

Get an instant valuation and estimate of your home’s value.  Then, meet with one of our team members to verify your home's value and get a more detailed estimate!

Strategic Marketing

Our 12-Step Marketing Plan outlines the basis for the marketing of your home, but we take it one step further.  We utilize our hyper-local market expertise and connections to find the right buyer for your home.  You can rest assured knowing your home is getting maximum market exposure!

Professional Photography

Before buyers even make it to your home, their first impression is the photos they view online.  This makes it critical for your home’s photos to be flawless.  Our professional real estate photographer will take the time to capture quality photos that will enhance your home’s appeal!

Home Staging

It is proven that when properly staged and priced right, a home will achieve it’s maximum value in the shortest period of time.  We partner with the area’s leading home staging consultants to help prepare your home for sale, giving it that extra touch of perfection!

Virtual Tours

Don’t settle for a simple video of compiled photos when listing your home for sale.  A true video tour should make a buyer feel as though they are walking through your home and able to explore all the details and features that make it stand out amongst the competition!

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Seller's Guide

We've put together an in-depth overview of the entire home selling process, from start to finish, so you can rest at ease knowing what to expect from the process!  Download and review our Seller's Guide today.

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